
OOTB's Guide to Rush 2024!

This page will provide you with everything you need to know about rushing Out of the Blue. We can't wait to meet you and hear you sing! This page is going to be updated throughout the summer and early fall. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Rush team at


There are two (2) opportunities for you to hear OOTB perform this rush: Woolsey Jam (August 31st) in Woolsey Hall and another Jam (September 2nd). These performances are great for meeting OOTB members, getting to know our performance style, and (obviously) hearing us sing!


At the end of the second Jam, you'll be able to sign up for an audition slot. If you aren't able to attend or you miss sign-ups, contact to rush. Auditions and callbacks will take place in the Branford TV Room—look for our Rush table in the Branford Courtyard!

Your audition is super relaxed and will last about twelve minutes, consisting of these parts:

  • Warm-ups: Simple vocal exercises with the group to warm up your voice and demonstrate your range.
  • Pitch matching: We will play a short sequence of notes and ask you to sing them back to us.
  • Quartet: You will sing a voice part of your choice for one of our songs in a quartet with three current group members. We will give you sheet music in your audition packet; we will also have a link on the right side of this page with sheet music and audio files to help you practice. Please be familiar with your part before coming to auditions!
  • Solo: You will sing one song of your choosing—past OOTB members have auditioned with songs ranging from country music to Broadway! We ask that you sing a portion of music roughly the length of a verse and a chorus. Whatever you sing, make sure it's something you enjoy! If you love what you're singing, it will come across in the audition room.

Want to know more? Don't hesitate to ask our Rush Managers, or check out our Rush FAQs!

2024 Rush Calendar

Woolsey Jam
Time: August 31st
Location: Woolsey Hall

TBA Jam + Audition Sign-Ups
Time: September 2nd
Location: TBA

Time: September 6th–8th
Location: TBA

Singing Dessert!
Time: TBA
Location: TBA

Time: September 14th–15th
Location: TBA

Tap Night!
Time: September 18th
A night shrouded in mystery where we tap OOTB's class of 2024!

2024 Head Rush Managers

Rohan Lokanadham
Berkeley 2027
Aidan Palmer
Morse 2025

2024 Rush Managers

Bebhinn Knudsen
Benjamin Franklin 2027

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