Carter Dewees
Saybrook '25
Rush Manager
Major: Film and media studies with a concentration in the film Tall Girl 2
Voice Part: Bass
Contact: carter.dewees(at yale.edu)
Although Carter comes from way down in Birmingham, Alabama, his head is always way up, up, and away, above anyone else’s in this short group of people. Besides bringing up the group’s average physical height several inches, Carter’s gentle “What’s up?” paired with his soft grin (as complementary as a 1947 Cabernet Sauvignon paired with a crumbly Jura Comté, which is to say, very complementary) will bring up your mood no matter how rainy the day. This bass’s rumbling low notes don’t just feel satisfying vibrating in his own chest, or reverberating in the gymnasium where he commentates on basketball games, or resounding in your airpods as you listen to his podcast on a sunny afternoon stroll, but also and especially as they wash over your ears, your closed eyes, and your relaxed smile as you unwind in the audience of an OOTB concert. We love Carter!
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