Emma Cantu
Ezra Stiles '27
Business Manager
Major: Bratz Bop-It
Voice Part: Soprano
Contact: emma.cantu(at yale.edu)
“Oh no, do I kind of love Chicken Little????” – ToonrificTariq
Some might look at this quote and see a 5-star Letterboxd review of Chicken Little (fantastic film), which is fair. For members of OOTB, however, these nine words are the perfect encapsulation of how it feels to sing alongside one Emma Cantu, affectionately known by her fellow OOTBites as Little Chicken. Those lucky enough to have seen her perform know that Emma’s voice is as unforgettable as the OOTBlue cowboy hat she wore to her audition (and the Alamo), but she definitely does not put the ‘Lone’ in Lonestar state, because for every group hug, there’s a 98% chance that Emma is in the center. In fact, the only thing Emma loves more than a good cuddle is Cracker Barrel.
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